4 min readJun 2, 2021


Part 2. bEarn & Value Defi.

Ok, friends. Ready for exciting part 2? I think many of investors of bDollar / bEarn at this or that moment were thinking that Value Defi and bEarn are the same team. And always these thoughts were dismissed by admins of bEarn tg. So let’s see what we have found on blockchain.

Maybe those claims weren’t actually unfounded and the downfall of bDollar which started when bEarn partnered with Value Defi has more to it than it seems on the surface.

Let’s go.

First of all, remember from the Part 1 of this investigation, we should go back to the point where we traced strange bPower tokens received by a wallet dumping bDEX. Our Dumper recieved only half of it, the other half went to different wallet.

Let’s take a look at it, starting with it’s holdings.

Hmm, it holds Value Defi tokens…well lets dig some on vSWAP then, maybe we will find some interesting info there.

First we go for vSwap token, and try to get to the roots, the origin of this token. Unfortunately too many transaction here. So we should take the other way.

Let’s find the deployer of the contract.

Ok, we found it. Here is Value Defi Deployer


Now we go back to vSwap token and filter it by Value Defi Deployer address to find first transactions of that token, and go to the last page there.

Here we can see the start of vSwap. At first it is being minted only for ValueDefi Deployer, nothing of big interest here. But as we saw at bEarn printing sBDO for two addresses simultaneously maybe we may find smth similar here too. So i started checking all transactions from the first one.

Found nothing interesting on last page, went for 3039. And almost immediately we catch a transaction minting vSWAP for ValueDefi Deployer and some other address.

tx hash: 0x9b72184243fa7fcc6a453ac9ef8ab21ace9c58181aa3f21e9bb57f724564ea93

This is transaction number 15 from the start of vSwap minting. And it is the first one where vSwap token was minted for another address except for ValueDefi Deployer.

Maybe another dev fund or smth similar to what we have found on bEarn.

So i decide to check that wallet:


I go to that wallet address, nothing particularly interesting. And then, all of a sudden, i decided to filter sBDO transaction by that address. And voila it gives me some result.

Of course we go and check the first transaction

tx hash: 0x8179564be2c9171371f5a3ca7b49585019b1f1597d150e4a9e9f0988446ab158

It seems like nothing interesting, but we check the date, and compare it to the date when sBdo contract was created:

Basically this address was there at the exact date when sbdo contract was created. And almost two month later, when vSwap contract was deployed, it was the first address other than ValueDefi Deployer to be minted tokens into.

Very suspicious coincedence if you ask me.

p.s.: and by the way, remember that first address at the start of this article, the one who also received strange bPower tokens from bEarn dev team wallet


If you filter vSwap transactions by this address, you’ll find a lot of minting of vSwap into it, starting from the very beggining of vSwap.

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So this is it. Be adviced, think two, three, four times before putting your money into bEARN. This is very suspicious project to say the least.

